Monday, April 28, 2014

Dog Walk Animation

Dog Walk Animation 
the animal balances on the last two digits of the toes. The animal also walks on pads, giving it lightness as it walks on the ground. The legs remain fairly straight. Bend the legs when you want to suggest an animal is crouching in order to jump or is sneaking along.
The rear leg is similar to the leg of a human, but again the feet and toes are elongated. The rear leg will always have a shape like a straightened ‘S’ – a ‘dog leg’ shape!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fundamental Jumping Animation

Fundamental Jumping Animation

The challenge this time is to make a jump animation for a leg character.
Reference and planning are not animation principles, but they are still two very important phases of animation. Researching the actions I am  trying to animate will both make the process easier and improve the final output

To determine the first set of key poses for any particular action, I will first need to examine some form of reference. This can be a combination of video and/or observation. The next step is to figure out the minimum number of poses necessary to make an action understandable. For example, it only takes about some key poses for a jump to read as a jump. These poses can then be drawn out on paper in the form of a planning sheet. Making a planning sheet is a very useful process, as at this stage you can quickly sketch out different ideas to see what looks and reads best. It can also be helpful in working out timing.
Once you have your final planning sheet you can start transferring the poses to your character in Maya.

it is planning output 

final output of maya 

it is good rig for leg walk if you want to this rig  


- Body can squash and strech.
- Foot has knee pivot on/off, roll, break, toe roll, leg twist, heel twist, ball twist, toe twist controls.
- Fully scalable.
- Toggle visibility or freeze model.
- Easy to animate with simplified and needed controls.

click hear 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fundamental Pose

The 3 Main Principles of Posing.

1. Staging of the Shot
2. Line of Action
3. Pose Design

Pose-to-pose action is an important tool in computer animation. Objects are built in a hierarchy, where each layer of the hierarchy has an associated transformation. Animation is then built up one transformation at a time from one pose to the next. For example, when animating a person walking, you would first set the pose position for the hips at the start of the motion, then you would adjust the hip translation for the end of the action. Then building upon this original pose, you would transform other objects in the model, until you had traversed the hierarchy.
All of your actions must be well thought out, and the timing and poses planned so that even in the early stages, the action is clear.
'Key poses', ‘key drawings’ or just 'keys' are terms used to describe those critical positions of an animated character or an object which depict the extreme points in its path of motion, or accents in its expression or mood. For this reason they are also called 'extremes
 Pose to pose animation is a term used for animation. The animators draws key poses for the characters and then let twiners generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image.
Straight Ahead Action
Straight ahead action is so called because an animator literally works straight ahead from the first drawing in the scene. This process usually produces drawings and action that have a fresh and slightly zany look, because the whole process is kept very creative.

 Now the Line of Action in a character is one of the most important aspects of posing. How you pose the character I believe will determine how much smoother your animation will flow from one extreme to the next. I never realized it early on but having really strong poses can actually make your animation easier when you go from your blocking to splining. It will also help your animation read clearly

 pose-to-pose animation, the animator plans his action, figuring out just what drawings will be needed to animate the scene. Pose-to-pose is used for animation that requires good acting, where poses and timing are important

Sunday, October 7, 2012

fundamental leg walk animation

Leg walk animation

Basically animating a walk merely requires producing tow extremes or key positions and in-between them a logical way unfortunately however the human body is a complex piece of machinery and does not lend itself easily to simply procedures.
the main action is walk stems from  the legs and the lower body so we will begin by concentrating on thse parts.basically a walk is a continuous series of steps.

                  note > all walk are different not two people in this world walk the same
                                                       leg walk planning out put
                                                          maya final leg walk out put
ti is good rig
 if u want to this rig click hear

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fundamental overlapping action animation

overlapping action animation 

     A bouncing ball with a tail.
overlapping action is a general heading for two closely related techniques which help to render movement more realistically, and help to give the impression that characters follow the laws of physics
 "overlapping action " is the tendency for parts of the body to move at different rates (an arm will move on different timing of the head and so on)
These parts can be inanimate objects like clothing or the antenna on a car, or parts of the body, such as arms or hair. On the human body, the torso is the core, with arms, legs, head and hair appendices that normally follow the torso's movement.
Overlapping action is the animation principle that captures how parts of an object move at different rates. Capturing the nature of the movement as well as the slight variations in timing and speed of these parts makes objects seem more natural. An action should never be brought to a complete stop before starting another action. Overlapping maintains a continual flow between whole phrases of actions.

i had to animate  exercising the things i have learned about the bouncing ball and overlap.
                                                   overlapping action planning animation
                                            final out put maya overlapping action animation
it is very good rig for overlapping

if u want to this rig click hear

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fundamental Pendulum Animation 1

This planning  i had to make a pendulum animation to get hands on experience with the concept of overlap.

Appendages or loose parts of a character or object will drag behind the leading part of the object. Then as the object comes to a stop, the looser parts continue to move taking longer to settle down and stop.
Weight of the appendages dictates the speed with which they follow the lead, heavier objects drag farther behind. The lighter the object the smaller the drag and the quicker the stop.
                                                               planning output
planning animation out put 
does not start and stop at the same time. Primary action begins first, secondary
action reacts to it. Primary action stops, secondary action stops after some
time. So it is best advised to follow the primary action, animate secondary
action on a separate layer as it follows a different timing and spacing.

pendulum animation class jpeg this class tell my how to animate pendulum
So, too,
follow-through and overlapping actions allow you to establish the flow of the
character’s motion. You can typically implement this by varying the speed at
which different parts of a body move, allowing movement beyond the primary
aspect of the motion. For example, the fingers of a hand typically follow the
movement of the wrist in a hand gesture. This principle also emphasizes that
actions should not come to a complete stop, but smoothly blends into other
character stops all other parts continue to catch up to the main mass of the
character, such as arms, long hair, clothing, coat tails or a dress, floppy ears
or a long tail (these follow the path of action). Nothing stops all at once.
This is follow-through. Overlapping action is when the character changes
direction while his clothes or hair continues forward. The character is going in
a new direction, to be followed, a number of frames later, by his clothes in the
new direction. “DRAG,” in animation, for example, would be when Goofy starts to
run, but his head, ears, upper body, and clothes do not keep up with his legs.
In features, this type of action is done more subtly.

pendulum planning animation

output on maya